Tuesday, July 17, 2012

100 Facts About Myself

My buddy told me I should do this, so people especially me can get to know myself better. Some of them are intriguing, irrelevant, fun, or shocking. Of course, I had some help from others since I was unable to remember everything. Here goes.
  1. I'm the youngest of four kids (two older brothers and one older sister).
  2. I'm the tallest in my family. I stand at least 6'4" tall.
  3. I was born and raised here in Pennsylvania. I live here all of my life.
  4. My birthday is on January 29th.
  5. My eyes are very blue.
  6. My middle name is Marshall.
  7. One of my friends only calls me Spunky. When it's a serious matter, she would usually address me by my first name.
  8. I introduced my brother to his wife. I first met her at work, and I almost asked her out, but instead I let my bro have her. She and I are very good friends.
  9. I'm very athletic. I played a lot of sports such as football, baseball, track, and soccer.
  10. I was considered a jock in high school.
  11. My favorite college sport teams are Pitt Panthers and USC Trojans. 
  12. I'm a nearly life-long subscriber to Sports Illustrated.
  13. I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
  14. I suffered brain injury in August 2011 due to cardiac arrest.
  15. I'm a Jeep guy. I currently own a black Jeep Commander 2010.
  16. My very first vehicle was a dark blue 1998 Jeep Cherokee XJ Sport. 
  17. I have an unhealthy tendency to over think and worry too much.
  18. I used to have a headache every Monday. I still get it sometimes.
  19. I was in a bad car accident when I was going home from Ohio in August 2009. It left me a mild hearing loss.
  20. I'm a very competitive guy. I hate losing.
  21. I love to exercise especially running.
  22. I enjoy drawing. 
  23. I'm learning to draw graffiti.
  24. My favorite clothing brands are Ecko Unlimited, Aeropostale, and Under Armour.
  25. Even though I'm a right-handed guy, I shoot pool left handed. Occasionally, I have to play right handed in front of people.
  26. I talk too much.
  27. I rarely eat junk food. I'm a health food freak.
  28. I love Mexican food.
  29. I have a ridiculous love of spicy foods.
  30. The first time I got drunk was when I was approximately five or six. I accidentally drank half a jug of wine in the basement.
  31. When I was a kid, I used to run around in my Batman costume outside. It wasn't even Halloween.
  32. I love movies, and I have a huge DVD collection.
  33. My favorite actor is Jim Carrey. 
  34. My favorite actress is Jamie Lee Curtis.
  35. My all-time favorite movie is Dumb and Dumber.
  36. My favorite TV show characters are Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy and Seeley Booth from Bones.
  37. People who watch Bones have told me that Seeley Booth reminds them of myself.
  38. My first R-rated movie was Halloween. I was five then.
  39. I'd like to own a sport bike someday.
  40. I rarely get sick, so I must have a strong immune system.
  41. I hate sleeping. I like to wake up early.
  42. I have two tattoos. One (Nick) is on my left rib, and one (gecko) is on my bottom right leg. I'm considering getting a third one. Probably on my forearm.
  43. I personally prefer ocean over swimming pools.
  44. I'm often unintentionally funny and goofy.
  45. I wear a size 14 shoe.
  46. Originally, my parents were going to name me Michael Anthony, but they changed their minds at the last minute.
  47. I talk to myself a lot when no one is around.
  48. I used to be a party animal.
  49. Once I beat up my friend's abusive boyfriend, and it almost landed me in jail for it. The guy was bigger than me.
  50. I was engaged once.
  51. I have a six-year-old son named Jason who lives in Arizona. His mom was my first love.
  52. I've known my first love since we were two. Our relationship is like a roller coaster, but we're civil.
  53. Women with long legs and blue eyes drive me wild.
  54. I never understand women. I wish they come with a manual even though I hate reading instructions.
  55. I'm a very forgiving guy. I don't hold grudges.
  56. I don't believe in religion.
  57. I love walking around the house shirtless in my boxers when no one is around.
  58. My biggest driving pet peeve is people who don't use their turn signals.
  59. I always park far away from my destination because I like to walk.
  60. Back in 90s, my first celebrity crush was Britney Spears since my sister started listening to her songs.
  61. I personally don't find red head women attractive. However, I always think Lily from How I Met Your Mother is pretty, so she's an exception.
  62. I almost never use instructions.
  63. I enjoy watching the sunset especially on the beach as well as full moon.
  64. I can't wear pants or jeans without belt.
  65. I ask too many questions even irrelevant ones.
  66. I strongly hate country music, but I actually like Johnny Cash's music. He's different.
  67. My oldest brother is the reason I love heavy metal.
  68. My favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas.
  69. I often scream, yell, and curse at my TV while watching sports and playing video games.
  70. The only comic books I read are Batman, Archie, and Calvin and Hobbes.
  71. I'm a huge Batman fan.
  72. Seeing women cry in front of me makes me uncomfortable.
  73. I want a German Shepherd dog. If it's a boy, I would name him Taz. Girl? Molly.
  74. I always want to take a road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway. I'd love to see Big Sur.
  75. I hate sweets such as cake.
  76. The only candy I eat is Peanut M&M's.
  77. I'm a neat freak.
  78. I can't sit through an entire movie. I would pause it many times and move around.
  79. I have a fear of losing loved ones to death.
  80. I had dealt with near-death experience before.
  81. I'm man enough to admit that I love baking cookies, especially around Christmas time.
  82. I prefer to cook than throwing a TV dinner into the microwave.
  83. I took an acting class, but it didn't last very long.
  84. Growing up, I used to dream of becoming a professional football player and actor.
  85. I'm a Computer Engineer. It pays well, and I enjoy fixing things.
  86. People such as friends and family rely on me for computer support. It's great to feel needed. I fix their PC problems for free.
  87. I hate hospitals. I've been there more times than I can count.
  88. I love traveling by plane. I enjoy the view and the feeling of being in the air.
  89. I still have Playstation 1, Nintendo 64, and Playstation 2. I don't play them that much, but I already have my PS3.
  90. I rarely read books, but I try to. I always read newspaper every day though.
  91. I prefer to watch Retro movies from the 80s and 90s than today's films.
  92. Anger and anxiety always get the best of me. I had punched the wall before. In order to avoid that, I use a punching bag as an anger and anxiety venting tool. It helps a lot.
  93. I have a scar on my chest from heart surgery.
  94. I have a friend who lives in Los Angeles.
  95. I used to be a social smoker, but I stopped due to my heart condition.
  96. I have two nieces and one something on the way.
  97. When I was little, I was unable to pronounce my sister's name, Julia. We started calling her Julie or Jules.
  98. My best friend of 26 years, Stu, was killed by a drunk driver last year.
  99. Sometimes, I like to be alone, but I enjoy having friends over my place. I would order some food, have a few brews, and play poker, more like chill time.
  100. I'm usually not a lovey dovey type of mushy guy; therefore, I have a funny way of showing my love.