Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Dad, My Superhero

A true hero doesn’t need super powers to save lives. My dad is my hero. He is Batman, John McClane, Tim Taylor, and Aristotle, all rolled into one. He is a lot of things though. I’ve shared the same qualities and characteristics with him. People always tell me that I look a lot like my dad – tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, and handsome. He knows me better than anyone else does, like he can read my mind. Simply, he’s a huge influence in my life.

When I was a kid, I always watched Batman. He was my all-time favorite action figure, and he still is. He also reminds me of my dad because they both are fearless, robust, intelligent, and protective. And they don't have super powers. It’s cool to have a Batman in my life. Every time I watch the movie called Die Hard, I think of my dad because of the iconic action hero, John McClane. Why? They share some similar traits – stubborn as hell, can turn on the charm, hate technology, and sarcastic. No wonder, my dad loves this movie. Also, my family and I always watch the show called Home Improvement. My dad is a lot like Tim Taylor when it comes to being a handyman, sports fanatic, and great father figure, doing things the man’s way, and a great sense of humor. Unlike Tim Taylor, my dad understands philosophy very well. He is like Aristotle because he always delivers philosophical musings and great advice about anything.

My dad is a kind of guy who would gregariously engage in conversation with strangers. He's honest, blunt, straightforward, and direct. Basically, he's not afraid to speak his mind. That's why he is always the first person I go up to when I need him. When brain injury threw my life into a tailspin, he was there every step of the way. He and my family motivated me to continue on. They didn't give up on me when my memories (at least not all) had been erased like chalk on blackboard of my mind.

"Life is short, Nick," my dad would always say to me. Every time he says it, it helps me remember how short life really is and that I should simply enjoy it. One life, one chance. He always gives me a lot of great advice. He offers words of wit and wisdom. Just about anything - life, relationship, parenting, job, etc. I learn something new from him every day of my life.

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